This song, let's join with ......

Source:Network reprint   Release time:2021-06-28

On June 24th, the Central Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee) held a concentrated study (expansion) meeting on party history study and education, which provided special party history study and education guidance in the form of art party classes, reviewed the 100-year struggle history of the CPC's unswerving practice of its initial mission, and learned its wisdom and strength. Zhou Tiegen, Party Secretary, attended the meeting.

Organized by the leading group for party history study and education of Xuzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and undertaken by the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this party history study and education art class brings together the best performances of our city over the years. It is divided into three chapters with the theme of "Singing a Heart Song to the Party", "Dream China" and "Do not forget your initiative mind". The content of the exhibition not only shows the grand narrative of national feelings, but also vividly depicts the lives of the people and heroes and children.

This unique art party class takes the party history as the main line, and through the multi-dimensional expression techniques such as scene reproduction, live audience interaction, sound and light film and television, and with lively and silent expressions such as songs and dances, it poetically tells the Chinese Communist Party's 100-year journey, showing a magnificent historical picture incisively and vividly, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of the initial heart and way of the Chinese Communist Party, and understand the purpose and concept of the Chinese Communist Party more thoroughly, so that the audience can be more aware of it.

In the first chapter, through the dance "One Leaf Red Boat", Bangzi Opera "Dawn", four-person chorus "Guerrilla Song", music dance drama "Little Radish Head", etc., it shows the glorious years that led the Chinese people to win the victory of the new-democratic revolution after the birth of the Communist Party of China.

The aria of Bangzi Opera in the third chapter, "Because of You", shows the selflessness of the medical staff who fought against the COVID-19 epidemic and the party members and cadres who took the lead in fighting in the front line of medical care. The poem recitation "I am a Communist" shows the initial mission of Communist Party members. All the actors revisited the pledge of joining the party in the chorus "I swear".